This document attempts to include a complete list of the items found in the world of Realmz. As of now, the items found in the City of Bywater, Prelude to Pestilence, Assault on Giant Mountain, Castle in the Clouds, and Destroy the Necronomicon scenarios are included, as well as some of the new items in Search for the White Dragon and various items that are currently (as far as I know) available only trough the PC editor.
This is not intended in any way as a replacement to the Realmz manual, but as a supplement to it. The list was compiled by actually playing the scenarios thoroughly, collecting all the items and gathering them at one shop. So you can be pretty sure that the items mentioned are there (as of version 3.2) and if you can't find them, just search harder.
Note: You might not be able to obtain all the items that I have listed for a certain scenario, because, depending on the course of action you choose during encounters, some of them might become unavailable. (For example, in the Prelude to Pestilence scenario, if you choose not to fight the Minotaurs, you cannot find the Jo Stick +2.)
There is also the slight posibility that an item has become unavailable in a certain scenario that I have it listed for. Things do change between upgrades, but I'm doing my best to keep up with them.
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To make navigating trough the document easier, the following icons were added at the top and bottom of each page:
Table of contents;
  Previous chapter;
Next chapter. 
The items were grouped under the various chapters, and at the beginning of each chapter there is an explanation of the notation used.
Note: Unique items have a red star (*) before their name.
Important: Clicking on an item icon (with the exception of scrolls) will bring up a description of that item.
After an item's name, the scenario in which the item can be found is indicated using the following abbreviations and color codes:
City of Bywater CB
Prelude to Pestilence PP
Assault on Giant Mountain GM
Castle in the Clouds CC
Destroy the Necronomicon DN
Search for the White Dragon WD
Stuff of Legends ??
Stuff of Legends denotes items that I have not found in scenarios yet, but are available in the game trough the PC editor.
Also, the following abbreviations and color codes were used for the various classes and races:
Fighter: F
Monk: Mk
Paladin: P
Ranger: R
Thief: T
Mage: M
Cleric: C
Enchanter: E
Human: H
Shadow Elf: SE
Elf: E
Orc: O
Furfoot: F
Gnome: G
Dwarf: D
Half Elf: HE
Half Orc: HO
I have tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, but if there is something missing please e-mail me at with the name of the item and its location in the game. Also, please let me know if you detect any mistakes in this document.
Any other comments/suggestions are of course welcome.